Each one of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7
Thank you for Giving!
We are grateful to those who help support FBC Marshall in our efforts to further the Kingdom of God. We would not be able to do all we do without your faithful giving.
Ways to Give
In Person
The best way to give to the ministry of FBC Marshall or a special offering is in person during our Sunday morning worship service.
By Mail
Mail a check to the church office at 405 W. Austin Street, Marshall, TX 75670.
When you give online you’ll have the option to give once or to set up recurring gifts. Please note that the online giving site requires a small fee for each transaction.
To give in honor or memory of someone, please add a comment to let us know what fund and in whose honor/memory you are giving. Please include your return address so an acknowledgement can be sent.